Our Community
We at Antigua Brewing Co. believe in building community and want to support all of the Guatemalan brewers and breweries from all over Central America. You will find we often have several other brewery’s beers on tap, and you can always take a mix six pack of locally brewed beer to go. Most importantly we have created a space designed to build community, a place where people can come to enjoy good food, great beer, live music and art. Brewpubs all over the world serve as gathering places where people can come together to be part of their own community.
Artists Murals & Labels
Supporting local artists
We have worked hard to build a space where creative members of our community can display their talents. As you enter the brewpub you will notice several murals from local artists like Ale Barra, Jimena and several others on rotation. Each of our beer names reflects the chapin culture and each label has been hand drawn by a different local artist.
Music Venue
Music is inseparable from culture, and we believe a healthy live music scene is essential to every community's identity. We are dedicated to building a music venue that gives the best local musicians a place to share their craft with an audience, and a stage where the young, up-and-coming artists get a chance to perform live with an excellent sound system. We have LIVE MUSIC on stage 4 days a week, Open Mic on Wednesdays, and live sets from DJs the rest of the week.
Enjoy our DJ Sessions every Friday, Saturday and Sunday on the terrace with a 360 degree view of Antigua and overlooking three volcaos.

Make some bread and bring home the bacon
Reusing Our Spent Grains
If you did not know, brewing beer takes lots and lots of grain. But we want to be as green as possible, and my mama always told me, “Waste not want not.” So in order to be as sustainable as possible, we give all our beer grains to a local organic farm, often they will bake us some bread that we use for the daily special, or when we are really lucky, they feed it to their pigs and send us the most amazing bacon!
We buy much needed supplies for the Local Fire Department
Drinking La Manguera HELPS US HELP THEM
Fire Department - We can not thank you enough
Some of you may remember that fateful night of New Year’s Eve 2018, when a burning paper balloon landed on a rooftop and nearly burnt the Arch Street to the ground. Thanks to many dedicated and brave members of the Guatemalan Fire Department (many of whom are volunteers), no lives were lost and the fire was able to be contained. Unfortunately several of our neighbors lost their businesses and livelihood. We were the lucky ones, we only had to replace parts of the roof and one wall, thanks to the quick thinking of our team, all of the gas tanks and flammable liquids were removed before the fire broke through the wall. Our key equipment survived fully intact and we were up and running again in just over a month. We made a decision that night to brew a beer dedicated to the brave women and men who risked their lives and health fighting a blaze that burned all night. Several times a year we brew “La Mangera” an easy drinking beer that we brew and sell to help raise money for much needed gas to fuel the fire trucks that helped save our business (and most likely, many lives), and the rest of the block.
Join us in Supporting our community